How we can help
Property Tax Info

If you miss paying your property taxes by the due date you will begin to see penalties and interest accrued. It varies by county but minimally is 12%. Even if you miss your payment, you can still send money to your Treasurer. Continue to send as much as you can each month.
State Statutes
74.47 Interest and penalty on delinquent amounts.
(1) INTEREST. The interest rate on delinquent general property taxes, special charges, special assessments and special taxes included in the tax roll for collection is one percent per month or fraction of a month.
(a) Any county board and the common council of any city authorized to act under s. 74.87(link is external) may by ordinance impose a penalty of up to 0.5% per month or fraction of a month, in addition to the interest under sub. (1)(link is external), on any delinquent general property taxes, special assessments, special charges and special taxes included in the tax roll.
Property Tax Resources
- Property tax relief Credits Explained
- Understanding Wisconsin’s Lottery & Game Tax Credit
- Understanding Your Property Tax Bill
- Property Tax FAQ
- WCTA Taxpayer Outreach
- Foundation for Rural Housing – if 3 years behind and can afford making your property tax payments
WHEDA property tax deferral program:
- Provides loans to qualifying elderly homeowners to help pay for property taxes
- Principal and interest are repaid when you transfer ownership of your home or move from your home
- Loan becomes a lien against your property
- Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) operates this program
- For more information, contact:
Property Tax Deferral Loan Program, WHEDA
PO Box 1728, Madison, WI 53701-1728
(800) 755-7835
If you still need help understanding programs available or help applying for any of these programs reach out to our HUD counselor from our HELP tab. We are happy to answer any questions!