During Homeownership Month(June 2022), Take Root Wisconsin hosted a virtual summit with experienced professionals and community partners dedicated to promoting and advocating for homeownership throughout Wisconsin. The summit was very well attended and the discussions on home buying, homeownership retention and on rural homeownership were very informative!
We look forward to future events and collaborations throughout this statewide network.If you missed it, NO PROBLEM! Below you will find two links to the Summit recordings in our new YouTube channel.
Part One (Welcome and Keynote) This first video includes keynote addresses from key figures in the TRW community, including Treasurer Sarah Godlewski, and an incredibly informative presentation from Dr. Kurt Paulsen on homeownership in our state. You can watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpKFDbitwR8”
Part Two (Report Outs and Closing)Our Take Root Wisconsin Summit from last month also included collaborative discussions on home retention, home repair resources, and the rural homeownership perspective. These conversations are critical to have in Wisconsin and we are proud that our summit helped facilitate these discussions. You can watch summaries of these conversations here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ax2v-2Hj2kI&t=4s”